
Salah golongan darah

This is surprised me much. I ever did a blood test when i was 13, and i surely believe that my blood type is B type. After i read about "people characteristic based on blood type" I become more certain that I'm a B type. Especially in some parts it tell  that b type has some characteristic such as having a lot of passions, hard to focus and off course "messy" although Sometimes I can be super tidy and perfectionist.

but this mornings when I tried to tidy up my file in my board, I found my blood test card and it shows that my blood type is A type !!!! OMG !!!

I ever think that I match with B type characteristic and sometimes with O. So I guess I was a mix product of B and O  type. But I never think that I match with A  type characteristics which is full of focus,  perfectionist,  tend to be introvert and tidy.

Hahahha, and now I begin to  believe that stereotypes are not always true, it can be wrong in some  person, and it happen to me.

I ever said to my friends that my future husband should have a dilligent-focus-tidy A blood type to balancing my hardtofocus and messy B type.

And now, knowing that myself is A type made me laugh hard. It's unbelievable. LOL

Forgive my bad grammar.  :)


Ya gak bit ?

Masih sering di share -in  link beasiswa/ intl event  sama temen2, Jadi inget dulu pas SMA suka baca blog nya anak anak AFS. pas itu belum jamannya langsung baca via smartphone, belum trend modem, wifi sekolah juga belum settle2 amat.  Nah, makanya ada warnet deket sekolah ( ga deket2 amat sih) namanya evergreen yg jadi tempat favorit temen2 sma dulu. Buat aku, untuk menghindari lama2 di warnet (hemat) aku suka ngumpulin tulisan2 di blog, aku copy, paste di word, terus tak edit jadi 2 column biar hemat page dan enak dibaca lalu di print buat di baca di asrama. Print print an tulisan tulisan itu bahkan masih ada sampek sekarang lho hhaaha, lucu juga si kalo inget gimana riweuhnya  pengalamanku buat tes afs dan gimana super down nya aku pas tau kalau aku gak lolos tahap 3. Tapi kalo dipikirpikir tiap orang bakal dapat bagiannya masing masing kan ya ?

Mungkin kamu bisa kagum sama pencapaian si ini si itu yang dapet beasiswa kesini kesitu, dapat penghargaan ini itu, tapi mgkn kamu belum tau Kalau mereka juga punya saat up and down mereka. So, berdamailah dengan dirimu, ya mungkin mimpi mimpi mu dulu bisa terwujud dalam bentuk lain yang lebih pas dan cocok buat kamu, Pas dan cocok ! ,ya gak bit?  :)

Eh eh kayaknya kedepan aku bakal sering ngepost kinda contemplative writing deh, maafkan bahasa ku yang mbulet. Hhe