
bday series : shocking morning #eh?

dinar's bday : foto yg ada di aku cuman ini gaes, hhe, jadi yg ga kliatan ada, maaf yaaa, hhe

Tanggal 25 oktober lalu merupakan hari bersejarah buat teman kami Dinar Okti , karena saat itu adalah hari ultahnya yang ke 20, Surprise pun telah kami rancang sebelumnya, skenarionya yaitu dengan mengendap-endap ke kosannya sambil membawa kue tart dan lilin, team kami saat itu ada Fanny, Maygy, Dinar Prisca, Unyil dan Ratna. waktu pelaksanaan ditetapkan jam 5 pagi, tetapi skenarionya itu agak meleset karena aktor utama pembawa kue (m-a-y-g-j) ternyata belum bangun2 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz , kami pun miskol dia berkali-kali , tapi tetap ga di respon, dan belakangan kami tau klo hpnya di silent #ohmennnn , akhirnya fanny menjemput langsung si maygy dengan kereta kudanya, dan menculiknya paksa hohohoho

setelah ke-hectic-an itu, kami pun langsung go ke kosnya dinar dan menjalankan misi kami, hal lain yang jg tak sesuai prediksi adalah "ekspresi" yg dikasih surprise, alias dinar sendiri, masak kami heboh-heboh ksana buka pintu kamarnya, nyebar confetti dan kegirangan dewe dianya malah ngowo, terus ekspresinya datar, standar wes -________________- walaaaahhh, akhirnya kami jg cegek dan ga jd nyanyi2 happy birthday dengan jingkrak2 heheheheh

walaupun bgitu, kami senang bisa kumpul2 bareng, makan kue, foto foto, dan guyon gak jelas , masalah ekspresi si dinar, ya bisa dimaklumi, mungkin nyawanya belum genep habs tidur, hhha sebelum saya akhiri tulisan ini skali lagi kami ucapkan HBD ya boiiiii, smg hidup kita semua jadi lebih berfaedah , semoga di sisa umur kita, kita bisa menjadi manusia yang bermanfaat bagi orang lain, semangaaaaatttt :)))

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behind the scene : Hadiah buku Notes From Qatar

Edisi : Banci Kuis

hey hey world.. i wanna tell you about my unique experience on last October, guess what? i won a twiiter quiz and i get Notes From Qatar (NFQ) a best seller book that written by talented man Muhammad Assad , that's really my first time winning a virtual quiz and considering that i rarely have no luck for winning such quiz like that .

actually i knew assad since he talked about NFQ in TV ONE , but i follow this guy on twitter recently, after my friend (maygy) talked so much about the good point of this book and want me to buy her that book in gramedia,
so i follow him on twitter because i want to know more about what kinda book is that. and when i was twitting, i read a twit from him :

@MuhammadAssad : Mau buku Notes From Qatar Gratis? ikuti #kuisNFQ 12.00

@Muhammad Assad Caranya gampang, Twit foto km dg buku @NotesFromQatar, nnt dipilih bos @edgarzfine yg plg unik & unyu!

wow, i think, that's my chance to get that book :)

but? i dont have that book to take a photo with, so i called maygy to borrow it, unfortunately she didnt bring that book in campus

but, i never give up, since assad said like this :

one of tweeps said : "yaaah, kan kuisnya pingin dapet buku? malah disuru foto sama buku :("

Assad : "hahaha pada pinter nanyanya, kan mau ikutan kuis ya blom punya bukunya lahh.. jd gmn dong? ya puter otaknya, byk jln menuju roma"

mmmm .. "byk jln menuju roma ya ?" hhe.. and.. suddenly i have great idea, even i cant find the book, but i can made it my self by editing my photo :p , then i search that book's picture on google and i combine it with my photo, and Voila !!! i have my photo with that book :p

actually i was not really hope to win it, (krn kliatan banget klo itu poto editan :p) but i was really surprised, after few minutes i posted it, assad said that i got that book , OMG

@MuhammadAssad Oke, pemenang ke-2 @tsabitabee: bismillah, foto ini dibuat dg penuh perjuangan :p :p

hha, tha's really surprising, the manager told me to take the book on kompas gramedia office in berbek industri a week later on tuesday. but actually there's a few people blame me because my photo's unreal (edited) so i become doubt to take the prize....

but, since the official not cancelled my winning after i ask about it.. so i think that's no problem, that's my creativity, heheheheh . So, i want my friend to accompany me to take but they were all busy about journal (actually me too, but i dont care, hhe) and promise to accompany me on friday, but i can't wait any longer , so i went there by my self, even i dont know where actually the place was. hhi

i went there by komuter train to waru station and take "angkot" to berbek industri and thanks God , i meet with a woman who work in berbek industri and accompany me to walk along that place (because becak n angkot can't be there ) until i find the kompas gramedia office :) fiuuuh that's a very very long walk but that's worth to have that book, :)

NB : Dont blame my grammar :)

journey to berbek industri by Komuter Train

long path to kompas gramedia, fiuuuh

jreng... jrenngg, this is it, finally, my real photo with notes from qatar :p

Well, thank's for assad and the manager to make this quiz, amazing stories, mostly it's talked about the magic of sodaqoh and about Positif thinking and hard work, Positive, Persistence and Pray !!! faedah deh pokoknya :)

again : dont blame my grammar :p

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