
What exactly interest me about

Here we go again on my never ending journey for redefining myself. On almost 24 years, i haven't found what exactly interest me, i'm still too random and out of focus. This post come out because i feel nothing and got nothing significant life lesson this far. I realize that mostly my lecturer have one focus that interest, on example prof. Edi as expert on maritime society, prof keppi on woman studies, prof widodo on social crime and law, and my undergraduate lecturer mr safril on globalization and terrorism. And they give all their effort to do some research or interest on their focus, so they then can be called as expert on their fields. Then i look at myself searching what really interest me , oh God i never can be focus. In other side one of my lecturer didn't choose to one major, he took unlinked major on his study from undergraduate till phd, but the way he teach is not as good as other. I'm not trying to make a generalization though, at first i thought that knowing everything is cool but i know that you can't know everything as a whole expertly, or it called setengah setengah, tidak membumi. I've tried to focus in something but other thing distract me. Ya Tuhan aku butuh ilham


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