
curcol : i'm askin GOd, why me?

i prefer to write on my daily book than on this page just because there's no one can read inside, so private n ekslusif. No lie, free without secret. I can't tell any pRoblem or what happen on me or how my feeling to other easily. I can't share it. I usually wrote in my diary, just my diary, me and GOD, i just share it with HIM, even i know, HE can't change our destiny before we (want) to (try) and do the change by ourselves. I regard just HE can solve my pRoblem instanly. Without doing nothing. Like magic. Simsalabim. And the pRoblem is i dont know how to change. Sound weird, huh? This year so hard. Full of tears. I'm powerless. Degradation in many aspect. I know that Allah loves me, by give me many problems to make me more matUre. But i have not mature yet by now. I'm askin GOD, why me?
*mobile blogging
sat 111210 8h45 Paragraf Pertama
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